Kaali Meteor Crater, Kaali, Saaremaa, Estonia


Welcome to Kaali Meteorite Crater
Kaali Crater, Saaremaa, Estonia

Kaali Meteor Crater
Kaali CraterThe perishing and the rebirth of the Sun is described in many epics and mythical conceptions of the world. It is strange that the symbols and the characters in these epics are similar. It is possible to link them with the meteorite catastrophe in Kaali and the time following it. Even the Argonauts, who were searching the Golden Fleece, could be connected with Kaali meteorite crater, because three thousand years ago Saaremaa was ten metres lower, the rivers were navigable and the Baltic Sea was directly connected with the Black Sea. It was also possible to reach Kaali crater by boat. How far in time and space may the echo of one pre-historical event be spread?

What kind of fascinating historical facts are hidden in our Kaali crater field? The far-away nameless island, described in epics, is known as SAAREMAA now days. A lot of tourists visit the grave of the Son of the Sun as KAALI METEORITE CRATER. When can people come and see the objects found by scientists and to study their research works?  The visitors of the crater field can have a closer look at the information gathered in our museum of meteoritics and limestone. Conferences, meetings and training days can be organised in our modern conference room. Accommodation is offered to smaller groups. A shop is opened.

Kaali CraterThere are a museum and the conference room in our new visitor centre that was built using traditional skills to achieve the historical atmosphere. The walls inside and outside are built of rough hand-tooled limestone, the ceiling and roof are made of wood. The building was first opened in spring–summer season in 2005. The project is led by non-profit association Kaali Visitor Centre that was founded in spring 2002 to bring the area back to life and to make the other nations aware of this wonderful place.

Kaali Meteor Crater, Kaali, Saaremaa, Estonia - MTÜ Kaali Külastuskeskus